-Multiple choice exams in: cell/tissue biology (aka histology), molecular medicine (aka biochemistry and genetics), anatomy and doctoring
-essay exam in physiology
-practical exams in anatomy (structures tagged on cadavers and models) and doctoring (performing a complete physical exam on a classmate. Note that "complete" means: neurological, musculoskeletal, thoracic, abdominal, and head-eyes-ears-nose-throat exams. No pelvic exams or any such things on each other thankfully.)
It's been a rough week or so with a lot going on in addition to finals. I gave my anatomy oral presentation today on the orbit (which is the little pocket in your skull that holds your eyeball). Anatomy presentations basically mean you pick a structure/compartment, stand in front of your cadaver and point to/explain things and their clinical significance to an instructor for 10 mins. Then they ask you questions. After much stress and many hours of work (dissecting, researching and prepping) I did fantastically on my presentation and the instructor asked me to preserve my dissection so it can be used in the future to teach undergrads. That's the second time an instructor has asked me to save a dissection (the other being the coronary arteries and cardiac veins on our heart). Maybe thats a little bit of bragging but its been a hard week so I think I deserve to be pleased with myself. I also just finished my doctoring presentation on the HEENT exam- and i successfully saw the optic disc through an ophthalmoscope! (that thing that doctors use to look inside your eyes.) I also can't remember if I said this before or not buuuut... I'm officially a new co-director of one of our student run clinics. We have training now through January and starting late January, my classmates and I (there are 7 of us) will officially be running a clinic (Eeeep). So excited :)
In other life news (the source of much roughness this week) I have one dear friend who lost a family member last week, another having lung surgery this week, a third who is also going through a tough time and a roommate who's having issues with her fiancee. Because when it rains it pours and finals is ALWAYS the best time for personal problems. yay!
For anyone wondering about break: I get two and a half weeks off. I'll be home at my parents house from 12/19 until christmas-ish. Then I plan to be in the mountains from Christmas-ish until Saturday January 5th (when I'll be sitting bump at the top of 7/8 for ski patrol and you should all come visit me so I'm not bored. If this sentence makes no sense to you, you can ignore it.) then back to Sac to start block 2 on Jan 7th! Woowoo!
I leave you with these two GIFs to summarize my feelings:
your interpretation should be "come to the mountains and drink with me"
PS- the title today comes from a post in our class facebook group. The response was "sure boo, you can borrow ours!" Another great post along the same lines "Does anyone have a good falx cerebri I can borrow? I will repay you with scalpel blades." (falx cerebri is the fold of dura that divides your cerebral hemispheres in your brain. see wiki)
PS- the title today comes from a post in our class facebook group. The response was "sure boo, you can borrow ours!" Another great post along the same lines "Does anyone have a good falx cerebri I can borrow? I will repay you with scalpel blades." (falx cerebri is the fold of dura that divides your cerebral hemispheres in your brain. see wiki)
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