Monday, August 6, 2012

I have a skeleton in my closet... literally

Ok, I'll get to the skeleton in a second, but can I just start by saying I am a happy camper. :) I'm sitting on my bed with six shiny new binders (each a different color) which I just filled with all my materials for block one. I just spent way too much money ordering awesome books with fabulous pictures. I have five pretty new highlighters (thanks to my big sib) with which to attack the contents of my pretty new binders.

Oh... and I also have a box of bones. So me and my roommies went to pick up our bone boxes today (yep, its exactly what it sounds like... a box that looks like a musical instrument case full of bones). Some bone boxes have plastic (fake) bones and some have real. By the time we got there, there were only real ones left (why anyone would pick fake over real beats me, but one of my roommates is a little creeped out by the idea of a dead dude's bones sitting in her room). Anyways, I guess my skeleton's not technically in my closet (yet) but thats because the box is still open in the middle of my floor because I can't get over how freaking awesome it is. I can't tell the gender (yet) so I'm taking suggestions for androgynous names. I'm leaning towards thinking its male though, the long bones (particularly the femur and tibia) are really long... this person was definitely taller than me.

So just for reference, this block I'm taking:
1. Gross anatomy- lectures + cadaver lab
2. Physiology
3. Cell and Tissue biology (aka histology)
4. Molecular medicine/Genetics
5. Doctoring
Doctoring is the class that first of all catches all the loose ends (bioethics, biostatistics, epidemiology etc) and its the class where we learn a lot of our practical skills. On the agenda for this block are the physical exams (general, neurological, pelvic, urogenital, and a list of others...). Anyhow, that list is just for context.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget suggestions to name my new friend :)

TLDR; I'm taking cool classes and got a box of bones!!! (and I'm really really excited about it!). lol, sorry it was too tempting.

PS- whoever's reading my blog in the United Arab Emirates... get lost creeper, go live vicariously through someone else.


  1. "this person was definitely taller than me". oh, you crack me up, lady. You sound like Dr. Reichs right now!

    So you're already learning how to check people on exams, but they haven't taught you any of the medicine behind what to look for? All I can think about is Dr. House's exam room demeanor. I think you'll do a little better. :)

  2. I have always liked the name Corey - for either boy or girl. Corey the box of bones/skeleton. I like it.
